• Just because you can't taste the sodium, doesn't mean it isn't there

    Funny, it doesn't taste salty

    A stack of pancakes with syrup has nearly a day's worth of sodium. Too much salt (sodium) can increase your blood pressure. Learn how to find sodium that's hiding in your food, how to make healthier choices and control your blood pressure.

  • Getting babies and families off to the right start

    Hungry Baby?

    Research shows that breastfeeding is recognized as the best source of nutrition for most infants and that women who breastfeed reduce their risk of breast and ovarian cancers, diabetes, and heart disease.

    Learn more
  • Where you live impacts your health

    Everyone deserves a place to thrive

    Cuyahoga County's urban residents suffer from poor health and live decades less than their suburban neighbours. Let's work together to make sure everyone has a fair shot at being healthy in our county, no matter what their race, income or ZIP code may be.

    Learn more
  • Give cyclists at least 3 feet of clearance when passing. It's the law!

    Give Us Some Room

    HIP-Cuyahoga is teaming up with Bike Cleveland to increase safe biking in the Cleveland area. #AllDrivers

    Learn More
  • Healthier Choices Are Around The Corner

    Good Food Here

    Our healthy corner store makeovers were a success! Now, good health is within reach in your neighborhood. Look for the GOOD FOOD HERE sign at a store near you today!

    Learn More


Health Improvement Partnership-Cuyahoga (HIP-Cuyahoga) understands that neighborhoods and communities are not all created equal, and some people are born and live in places where it is difficult to grow up healthy. The conditions in which people live, and the opportunities they have, form the foundation for health and without them, people are more likely to live shorter, sicker lives. That’s why more than 100 community partners have come together as the HIP-Cuyahoga Consortium to build opportunities for EVERYONE in Cuyahoga County to have a fair chance to be healthy. When healthy living is easier, we all live longer and healthier lives. Watch the video that describes HIP-Cuyahoga and how we approach this work…




Cuyahoga County

Health Matters Here!

What if on your next visit, your doctor checked your weight, your blood pressure and your ZIP code? Your neighborhood matters when it comes to your health. Your ZIP code can predict how long or healthy you live–but it shouldn’t be this way. Cuyahoga County’s urban residents have the poorest health and live the shortest lives–up to 20 years shorter than suburban residents. To ensure everyone has the same chance to be healthy, we’re tackling social issues, like structural racism, and personal challenges, like being able to buy healthy foods and exercise safely in ALL of our neighborhoods. We know health matters here.

Get Involved

Health and Equity in All Policies

Health and Equity in All Policies

HIP-Cuyahoga wants to go beyond simply talking about health in all policies and ensure that we are building opportunities for everyone in Cuyahoga County to be healthy. We're collaborating to improve the health of all people in our county by incorporating health and equity into decision-making across sectors, systems and policy areas.

Community Engagement

Community Engagement

HIP-Cuyahoga goes beyond a data-driven approach that appeals to the mind only, to a community-driven approach guided by shared values--moving both hearts and minds towards improved health for all in Cuyahoga County. We're involving community members in planning, decision making and actions to make Cuyahoga County a healthier place for all.

Collective Impact

Collective Impact

Collective impact brings people together, in a structured way, to achieve social change. Through the coordination of partnerships, alignment of priorities and actions, and mobilization of resources, HIP-Cuyahoga is making a difference. We work with more than 100 agencies, organizations and community groups.

Perspective Transformation

Perspective Transformation

HIP-Cuyahoga works with individuals and organizations to help them understand how hidden assumptions about racial and ethnic minorities impact their decisions and actions toward health improvement. We engage leaders and community members to use both their head and heart to see and understand the world in new ways to help eliminate structural racism as a root cause of health inequity.