Community Design for Physical Activity


The overarching goal of the Physical Activity Strategy of the REACH 2024 grant is to increase policies, plans, or community design changes that increase access to physical activity through implementation of local level policies and activities to connect pedestrian, bicycle, or transit transportation networks (e.g., activity-friendly routes) to everyday destinations.


Bike Cleveland will serve as the lead for the Physical Activity strategy, convening community partners who are contributing to efforts to increase physical activity among our priority population of Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino Clevelanders. Bike Cleveland’s work builds on interventions included in prior REACH work plans, including:


    • Advancing the Midway Protected Bike Lane Network thru final engineering designs and construction of the first 2.4-mile segment on Superior Avenue from Pubilc Square to E. 55th Street.
    • Implementation of recommendations emanating from the multi-year Vision Zero scoping and Action Plan development process.
    • Community engagement and coalition building across diverse groups to align community-driven initiatives with the network implementation goals being established by the city of Cleveland as part of their Mobility Plan (Cleveland Moves).
    • Grow support for improved bicycle networks and traffic calming measures among the disability community, transit community, neighborhood residents, traffic crash victim families and survivors, and other underrepresented communities. This engagement is happening through Bike Cleveland Better Street Committees and Northeast Ohio Families for Safe Streets.


  • In partnership with priority community groups, development and distribution of culturally appropriate messages aimed at increasing physical activity through walking and biking.