Grocery Store Community Forum for Cuyahoga County


You are invited to a forum organized by East Cleveland residents to discuss grocery store implementation strategies in low-income neighborhoods with Cuyahoga County leaders.

Monday, April 15th, 2019
McGregor Home
14900 Private Drive
East Cleveland, Ohio 44112
The Grocery Store Community Forum is organized Northeast Ohio Alliance for Hope (NOAH) to discuss grocery store implementation strategies in low-income neighborhoods with Cuyahoga County leaders. The public is invited to attend the event.
Within the past year, three supermarkets have opened with public funding support in neighborhoods that were previously considered food deserts. This highlights the important role of the public sector in improving supermarket access in Cuyahoga County. Quality grocery stores improve access to healthy and affordable food, create local jobs, improve neighborhoods and contribute to the tax base. We know that neighborhoods in Cuyahoga County disproportionately affected by chronic disease are the same neighborhoods with higher rates of poverty, unemployment and less access to quality grocery stores.
At the event, East Cleveland residents will propose a framework for a county strategy to provide funding to support grocery store development in low-income areas and include resident participation in the process to ensure that projects are relevant and meet resident expectations.

Register for supermarket forum